Biodynamic CST Foundation Training Curriculum
This is a general list of the topics covered over 40 days of training and further explored through practice and reading/listening/watching assignments outside of class. (Unlisted but definitely part of the training: Laughter! ;-)
Discovering, Perceiving, Expanding
Basic principles of Biodynamic craniosacral therapy
Mindfulness, presence and self-regulation: challenges and self-discovery
Vocabulary of BCST and its applications
Three-dimensionality, fluidity and slowing down
Early development of embryo
Ergonomics at the table
Zones of perception
Basics of cell biology and the immune system
Compassion and the therapeutic relationship
Processes of healing
Inherent Treatment Plan
Palpation skills
Autonomic nervous system
Transverse diaphragms and the breath
Respiratory diaphragm
Cranial bones, ventricles and dura
Going within. The miraculous Human Being.
Pregnancy, prenatal development and birth
Vagus nerve
The fascia
Digestive system - early and adult
The organs and visceral work
Enteric nervous system
Social nervous system
Polyvagal Theory
Neuroscience and psychology - how recent research informs the practice of BCST
Epigenetics and potential
Heart development and working with the cardiovascular system
Cervical nerves
Embryonic development of face and cranial nerves
Treatment approaches to face, neck, cranium
Exploring the details in Biodynamic Practice
Cerebrospinal fluid
Brain structures
Sutherland’s Fulcrum
Cranial venous sinuses
Trauma treatment - understanding different approaches
TMJ dysfunction, whiplash, concussion
Anatomy of the jaw, mouth, tongue
Intra-oral work
Cranial nerves
Metabolic fields
Final projects as required for BCST certification (optional)